Large Eddy Simulation is generally perceived as a very effective and highly promising method that can considerably improve our modeling of turbulent flows. Application of LES has considerably increased in the past decade among thermofluid scholars as well as within different industries. The main obstacles in further implementation of this method for engineering applications are its relatively high computational cost and also unavailability of well tuned and tested numerical tools and therefore there is a great interest in modification of available low order numerical tools which are computationally reasonable in order to use them for LES. This dissertation is investigating the possibility of applying an available finite element/volume numerical code; used previously for RANS simulations of compressible flows, in order to carry out LES. In this work, a self-adaptive upwinding method, which is compatible with Roe's scheme and reduces the numerical dissipation of low order flux calculation on unstructured elements, is developed. At first, the proposed method is evaluated using channel flow stability test and decaying isotropic turbulence. The method is then used to numerically investigate a high Reynolds compressible turbulent free jet and compare the results with recently published set of experimental data. At the end, a hydrogen jet releasing from a high pressure reservoir is also numerically studied. During these simulations, the performance of the developed numerical tool for subsonic, sonic and supersonic flows at high Reynolds numbers will be extensively analyzed.