With the advent of globalization, shortened product life cycles and higher levels of competition (Li, Lin and Chu, 2008) firms have been forced to react faster to changes than ever before. In the context of aerospace product development, designers must master latest technological developments while continuing to rely on tried and true design practices. Furthermore, design teams must collaborate closely with new risk-sharing partners around the world as well as focus on schedule and budget targets. This study uses the concept of contextual ambidexterity defined as defined as behavioral capacity of an individual to simultaneously demonstrate alignment and adaptability (Gibson and Birkinshaw, 2004) to examine the extent to which individual project teams are able to leverage skills and capabilities built up over time and also adapt to the latest technological developments. It is suggested that project team contexts that are typified by a combination of stretch, discipline and support, trust as well as organizational slack enable contextual ambidexterity and, in turn, improved schedule adherence. The ambidextrous solutions identified during this research lead to a number of recommendations for successful aerospace product design.