Finite mixture models are among the most useful machine learning techniques and are receiving considerable attention in various applications. The use of finite mixture models in image and signal processing has proved to be of considerable interest in terms of both theoretical development and in their usefulness in several applications. In most of the applications, the Gaussian density is used in the mixture modeling of data. Although a Gaussian mixture may provide a reasonable approximation to many real-world distributions, it is certainly not always the best approximation especially in image and signal processing applications where we often deal with non-Gaussian data. In this thesis, we propose two novel approaches that may be used in modeling non-Gaussian data. These approaches use two highly flexible distributions, the generalized Gaussian distribution (GGD) and the general Beta distribution, in order to model the data. We are motivated by the fact that these distributions are able to fit many distributional shapes and then can be considered as a useful class of flexible models to address several problems and applications involving measurements and features having well-known marked deviation from the Gaussian shape. For the mixture estimation and selection problem, researchers have demonstrated that Bayesian approaches are fully optimal. The Bayesian learning allows the incorporation of prior knowledge in a formal coherent way that avoids overfitting problems. For this reason, we adopt different Bayesian approaches in order to learn our models parameters. First, we present a fully Bayesian approach to analyze finite generalized Gaussian mixture models which incorporate several standard mixtures, such as Laplace and Gaussian. This approach evaluates the posterior distribution and Bayes estimators using a Gibbs sampling algorithm, and selects the number of components in the mixture using the integrated likelihood. We also propose a fully Bayesian approach for finite Beta mixtures learning using a Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo (RJMCMC) technique which simultaneously allows cluster assignments, parameters estimation, and the selection of the optimal number of clusters. We then validate the proposed methods by applying them to different image processing applications.