Utilizing an action research based methodology, this qualitative investigation explores the teaching opportunities offered through a project designed to integrate actual and on-line curriculum components into a visual arts program. The study involved 2 visual arts teachers, 1 from Montreal and 1 from Toronto, who guided their respective grade 11 visual arts classes through a project involving 2 main components. Phase 1, the "actual" component, involved conducting a field trip to the local museum/art gallery (the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts and the Art Gallery of Ontario), where the students were to view and select 1 art work from the museum's permanent collection towards which they felt a particular affinity. Back at school, the teachers assisted their students in the creation of their own art works, which were inspired by the pieces selected from the museum permanent collections. Once completed, phase 2, the introduction of technology, was introduced. This "on-line" component involved the creation of website links that contained an image of the student art work alongside an image of the museum piece which inspired it. These website links served as the vehicle through which an on-line exchange was conducted between the 2 grade 11 visual arts classes in Montreal and Toronto. Through the writing of journals, recorded observations using field notes, and interviews conducted at 3 strategic points in the study, data were collected on behalf of the teacher participants to examine the teaching opportunities experienced through engagement in such a project. After a data analysis, themes emerged under 2 overarching categories: (a) museum/gallery field trips and (b) on-line communication/technology. In each of these 2 categories, subthemes emerged that revealed the complexities of the integration of such a project. These subthemes revolved around such issues as the role of the administration, the role of the school board, museum commitment, student commitment, teacher colleagues, technical support/availability, and the school timetable. This document highlights the reality of implementing such a curriculum project into 2 grade 11 visual arts programs.