Keller [Stochastic stability in some chaotic dynamical systems. Monatsh. Math.94(4) (1982), 313–333] introduced families of W-shaped maps that can have a great variety of behaviors. As a family approaches a limit W map, he observed behavior that was either described by a probability density function (PDF) or by a singular point measure. Based on this, Keller conjectured that instability of the absolutely continuous invariant measure (ACIM) can result only from the existence of small invariant neighborhoods of the fixed critical point of the limit map. In this paper, we show that the conjecture is not true. We construct a very simple family of W-maps with ACIMs supported on the whole interval, whose limiting dynamical behavior is captured by a singular measure. Key to the analysis is the use of a general formula for invariant densities of piecewise linear and expanding maps [P. Góra. Invariant densities for piecewise linear maps of interval. Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys. 29(5) (2009), 1549–1583].