The WiMedia Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) specifications include Multi-band Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) physical layer and distributed Medium Access Control (MAC) layer. Physical layer offers a range of coded data rates from 53.3 Mb/s to 480Mb/s. WiMedia MAC consists of Beacon period (BP), Distributed Reservation Protocol (DRP) and Prioritized Contention Access (PCA). DRP allows access to the medium through reservation, while PCA provides access to the bandwidth not utilized by DRP through contention. In this thesis, we present an integrated performance analysis of DRP and PCA schemes which includes the multi-rate transmission at the physical layer. We assume that DRP traffic consists of several classes of calls and we use a call blocking model to determine the performance of DRP scheme in terms of call blocking probabilities and bandwidth utilization of the system. Then we assume PCA traffic with multi-property levels. We determine the throughput and mean total delay for PCA traffic in the presence of DRP traffic under the non-saturation condition. The numerical results show that under heavy traffic throughout of low priority traffic drops and its delay increases sharply.