Due to increasing international competition, shorter product life-cycles, variable demand, diverse customer needs and customized products, manufacturers are forced from mass production to the production of a large product mix. Traditional manufacturing systems, such as job shops and flow lines, cannot provide such requirements efficiently coupled with flexibility to handle these changes. Cellular Manufacturing (CM) is an alternate manufacturing system combining the high throughput rates of line layouts with the flexibility offered by functional layouts (job shops). The benefits include reduced set-up times, material handling, in-process inventory, better product quality, and faster response time. The benefits of CM can only be achieved by sufficiently incorporating the real-life structural and operational features of a manufacturing plant when creating the cellular layout. This research presents integrated CM models, with an extensive coverage of important manufacturing structural and operational features. The proposed Dynamic Cellular Manufacturing Systems (DCMSs) model considers several manufacturing attributes such as multiperiod production planning, dynamic system relocation, duplicate machines, machine capacities, available time for workers, worker assignments, and machine breakdowns. The objective is to minimize total manufacturing cost comprised of holding cost, outsourcing cost, intercell material handling cost, maintenance and overhead cost, machine relocation cost as well as salary, hiring, and firing costs of the workers. Numerical examples are presented to show the performance of the model.