From July 25 to 29, independent artists, professors and students from across North America and beyond delivered papers, gave lectures and performed their work in and around Montreal's Concordia University. The conference will included a number of concerts featuring the works of participants, and a keynote address by Hannah Bosma, who is researching women and electrovoal music in the Netherlands. The conference was part of In and Out of the Sound Studio, a collaborative multimedia project headed by Concordia professor Dr. Andra McCartney. The In and Out of the Sound Studio project attempts to establish a greater sense of community among women sound producers who are separated by geographic space, occupation or disciplinary boundaries. Along with the In and Out of the Sound Studio Web site (, this event aimed to make the working methods and philosophies of women sound producers accessible to emerging and established artists, as well as scholars in the fields of communication studies women's studies, cultural studies, media studies and music.