The primary concern of Becoming One with the Screen is the question of how experience is integrated into the general unfolding of actuality as an imagistic process. It deals with the problem though the experience of spectatorship in cinema. We present the experience of participating in a film screening as a relational and associative process in order to undo the dualistic spectator/screen relationship reflective of the subject/object relation. And radiating outwards from this problem, memory looms large as explicatory of the integrative process. As such, we examine the concept‐cluster of words surrounding memory not only to (re)contextualize the discourse on memory but to tie it to the historical tradition and deal with the complementary concepts of Faciality and The Fold from the point of view of imagistic thought and memory. Central to the discussion will be the process of adumbration by which the Many become One as the perpetuum mobile of the eventual continuity of change in actuality as being. We shall advance that the façade of becoming actual of the world as a moving imagistic front as the perception of the integrated affirmation of being one with the image world. Key Words: Memory, immanence, fold, faciality, spectatorship