Continuing progress in reduction of size and power consumption of semiconductors, and significant improvement in their capability to compute sense and communicate data, have enabled a new area of wearable electronics and smart garments. Mobile electronics devices such as smart phones, tablets, laptops, e-readers and GPS devices have shaped and defined the world of consumer electronics. As such those devices interact with us on every day level, keeping us connected with environment through the use of sensors, imagers, location based services and data networks. Looking beyond typical consumer applications, there is an increasing demand for a wearable and energy efficient electronics capable of operating from human harvested energy. This study will present a solution that is capable of providing basic human bio-parametric data such as: body temperature, pressure, man down indication, impact occurrence indication as well as data on orientation and inclination. All those functions will be embedded as wearable electronics and be able to operate from the energy that was harvested from human body. The need to have this kind of data collected on the human subject in especially demanding environments and situations is greatly appreciative in applications related to search and rescue agencies, paramedics, firefighters and security and police. The solution presented in this thesis is focusing on energy harvesting from human body and the environment, together with utilization of such energy for wearable electronics