Abstract The Efficacy of Blended Versus Classroom Instruction with Older Adults Learning Social Networking and Computer Skills Madeleine Ward Blended instruction, a combination of classroom and online instruction, is becoming increasingly popular today. Blended learning is beneficial, as it provides the flexibility of online learning with the social aspects of the classroom. For this blended learning study, two groups of older adults, ages 60-85, participated in social networking and computer skills training, either in a blended learning environment (n = 9) or in a traditional classroom (n =8). Two sessions of computer training took place, and the data from the two sessions were combined, as they were performed in an identical manner except for the duration of each session. For evaluation purposes, the effectiveness and satisfaction ratings of classroom versus blended instruction were assessed by weekly quizzes and pre- and post- course questionnaires. The results of this mixed methods study indicated that students’ computer skills significantly increased after the training, as determined by self-ratings supplied by the participants. In addition, the increase was somewhat greater for the blended group than the classroom group, although this was not a statistically significant difference (p>.05). Participants also rated they were satisfied with the computer courses, regardless of instructional type. For the blended learning group only, a follow-up session in the form of a Focus Group interview was performed to obtain additional information on the blended course format. Six of the nine participants indicated that they would be motivated to take additional courses in the blended learning environment. The results of this study can contribute to the literature as there is minimal research on older adults’ effectiveness and satisfaction ratings on blended versus classroom instruction for computer skills training.