This thesis is based on an extensive review of the literature on sex education in the aftermath of the 2001 curriculum reform in Quebec. The study examines some key challenges faced by Quebec educators in terms of addressing sex education in the high school classroom. The issues emerging from this examination of the literature are: negative attitudes towards the Quebec Education Program, insufficient training and resources available to teachers, time constraints, conflicts during collaborative efforts between stakeholders, inconsistent delivery of sex education, communication issues, and a lack of clarity on the roles of stakeholders. An analysis of the relevant works of Foucault, Giroux, Weeks, Kammeyer, Baudrillard and Kellner reveals that media culture, defined as the combination of popular culture and technology, exerts a powerful hold over adolescents’ understandings of their sexuality and their sexual behaviours. The advantages of critical media literacy-based sex education (CMLSE) programs for youth are explored in depth. A revised version of the CMLSE program Media Relate is suggested as a possible framework for a sex education program for Quebec high schools. In light of challenges faced by sex educators in Quebec, and of the influential power of the media on young people’s sexual behaviours, this study proposes the adoption of a CMLSE approach based on Media Relate as a pedagogical opportunity to teach students to think critically about the media and to make healthy choices in general and in their sexual lives in particular.