In the past few decades, a number of organizations have implemented Quality Management Systems (QMS) to create a culture of continuous quality improvement and improve business performance. Various QMS implemented in organizations are ISO 9000 Standards, Total Quality Management, AS Aerospace Standards, and many more. These standards cover aspects such as management leadership, process management, teamwork, quality improvement, and supplier and customer relations. The implementation of QMS is ultimately expected to improve overall business performance. In this thesis, we study the overall impact of implementation of QMS on various business performance factors. These performance factors include information quality, operating performance, design performance, environmental performance, product and service quality, supplier and customer relationships and competitive priorities. To study the impact of implementation of QMS on these business performance factors, we proposed a hypothesis model linking these performance factors, showing how improvement in one factor brings improvement in other factor. In this regard, a questionnaire was prepared related to implementation of QMS on business performance factors, and a survey study was conducted with professionals involved in quality management and engineering to collect their iv views on implementation of QMS. The collected data was analyzed with the help of statistical techniques such as Factor analysis, Descriptive statistics and Regression analysis, to study the proposed hypothesized relationships in the model. The results of our study show that organizations often implement QMS as a catalyst for change and use them in daily practice. Most of the proposed hypotheses are found to have significant positive relationship, whereas not enough significance is found between information quality and environmental performance, between design performance and product quality, and between environmental performance and product quality. It is recommended as future work to collect more data to statistically validate the relationships between design performance and product quality and between environmental performance and product quality. Keywords: QMS, Information Quality, Product Quality, Service Quality, Business performance.