Smart material based actuators, such as piezoelectric, magnetostrictive, and shape memory alloy actuators, are known to exhibit hysteresis effects. When the smart actuators are preceded with plants, such non-smooth nonlinearities usually lead to poor tracking performance, undesired oscillation, or even potential instability in the control systems. The development of control strategies to control the plants preceded with hysteresis actuators has become to an important research topic and imposed a great challenge in the control society. In order to mitigate the hysteresis effects, the most popular approach is to construct the inverse to compensate such effects. In such a case, the mathematical descriptions are generally required. In the literature, several mathematical hysteresis models have been proposed. The most popular hysteresis models perhaps are Preisach model, Prandtl-Ishlinskii model, and Bouc-Wen model. Among the above mentioned models, the Prandtl-Ishlinskii model has an unique property, i.e., the inverse Prandtl-Ishlinskii model can be analytically obtained, which can be used as a feedforward compensator to mitigate the hysteresis effect in the control systems. However, the shortcoming of the Prandtl-Ishlinskii model is also obvious because it can only describe a certain class of hysteresis shapes. Comparing to the Prandtl-Ishlinskii model, a generalized Prandtl-Ishlinskii model has been reported in the literature to describe a more general class of hysteresis shapes in the smart actuators. However, the inverse for the generalized Prandtl-Ishlinskii model has only been given without the strict proof due to the difficulty of the initial loading curve construction though the analytic inverse of the Prandtl-Ishlinskii model is well documented in the literature. Therefore, as a further development, the generalized Prandtl-Ishlinskii model is re-defined and a modified generalized Prandtl-Ishlinskii model is proposed in this dissertation which can still describe similar general class of hysteresis shapes. The benefit is that the concept of initial loading curve can be utilized and a strict analytical inverse model can be derived for the purpose of compensation. The effectiveness of the obtained inverse modified generalized Prandtl-Ishlinskii model has been validated in the both simulations and in experiments on a piezoelectric micropositioning stage. It is also affirmed that the proposed modified generalized Prandtl-Ishlinskii model fulfills two crucial properties for the operator based hysteresis models, the wiping out property and the congruency property. Usually the hysteresis nonlinearities in smart actuators are unknown, the direct open-loop feedforward inverse compensation will introduce notably inverse compensation error with an estimated inverse construction. A closed-loop adaptive controller is therefore required. The challenge in fusing the inverse compensation and the robust adaptive control is that the strict stability proof of the closed loop control system is difficult to obtain due to the fact that an error expression of the inverse compensation has not been established when the hysteresis is unknown. In this dissertation research, by developing the error expression of the inverse compensation for modified generalized Prandtl-Ishlinskii model, two types of inverse based robust adaptive controllers are designed for a class of uncertain systems preceded by a smart material based actuator with hysteresis nonlinearities. When the system states are available, an inverse based adaptive variable structure control approach is designed. The strict stability proof is established thereafter. Comparing with other works in the literature, the benefit for such a design is that the proposed inverse based scheme can achieve the tracking without necessarily adapting the uncertain parameters (the number could be large) in the hysteresis model, which leads to the computational efficiency. Furthermore, an inverse based adaptive output-feedback control scheme is developed when the exactly knowledge of most of the states is unavailable and the only accessible state is the output of the system. An observer is therefore constructed to estimate the unavailable states from the measurements of a single output. By taking consideration of the analytical expression of the inverse compensation error, the global stability of the close-loop control system as well as the required tracking accuracy are achieved. The effectiveness of the proposed output-feedback controller is validated in both simulations and experiments.