In today’s world everything is going toward speed and comfort. This includes different technologies which their improvement leads to an easier life for human beings. One of these technologies is nanotechnology that deals with fabrication and structures of objects in nanometer scale. Today’s technology and science has proved that nanowires are excellent candidates for fabrication of many different devices and their components. These devices take less space while having high performance. Nanowires are one-dimensional structures that have many applications including a variety of sensors, transistors as well as energy-storage devices like solar cells and Li-ion batteries. Fabrication of nanowires is still under research and many universities and institutes are trying to find methods that are both time- and cost-efficient. This is a challenging subject since there are many parameters involved in the process and each of these parameters affect the final results of fabrication. The concentration of this work is on fabrication of silicon nanowires. Silicon is the second-most abundant element on the earth and therefore has a more reasonable price compare to other elements. There are many different techniques to fabricate silicon nanowires but most of these methods are expensive and time consuming. In this work we have used a top-down method which is time and cost efficient compare to other fabrication methods. There are three main steps in our work; anisotropic etching to texture the surface of the silicon wafer, electrochemical etching to produce the nanowires and a post-etching process in order to clean the surface of the sample. Wafer type, etching duration, temperature, and the applied current are the parameters that are studied during the experiments. The fabricated nanowires are captured and characterized using scanning electron microscopy.