Rationale: The endurance time (Tend) during constant-workrate cycling exercise (CET) is highly variable in COPD. We investigated pulmonary and physiological variables that may contribute to these variations in Tend. Methods: Ninety-two patients with COPD completed a CET performed at 80% of peak workrate capacity (Wpeak). Patients were divided into tertiles of Tend [Group 1: <4 min; Group 2: 4–6 min; Group 3: >6 min]. Disease severity (FEV1), aerobic fitness (Wpeak, peak oxygen consumption [peak], ventilatory threshold [VT]), quadriceps strength (MVC), symptom scores at the end of CET and exercise intensity during CET (heart rate at the end of CET to heart rate at peak incremental exercise ratio [HRCET/HRpeak]) were analyzed as potential variables influencing Tend. Results: Wpeak, peak, VT, MVC, leg fatigue at end of CET, and HRCET/HRpeak were lower in group 1 than in group 2 or 3 (p≤0.05). VT and leg fatigue at end of CET independently predicted Tend in multiple regression analysis (r = 0.50, p = 0.001). Conclusion: Tend was independently related to the aerobic fitness and to tolerance to leg fatigue at the end of exercise. A large fraction of the variability in Tend was not explained by the physiological parameters assessed in the present study. Individualization of exercise intensity during CET should help in reducing variations in Tend among patients with COPD.