In this thesis the effects of turbulence are introduced by combining the past turbulent tangential velocity model with the preceding work on the laminar compressible vortices. The radial and axial velocity components are derived from the tangential and mass conservation equations. The temperature is then found numerically from the energy equation. Upon code verification several characteristics of the problem have been examined in detail. The mysterious temperature separation is known since 1933 from the work of first Ranque and then Hilsch. Although several possibilities for its origin have been suggested no comprehensive theory for its causality has yet reported. The present novel approach is used to show conclusively that the cause of the thermal effect is the product of competition between the heating up of the gas because of friction and cooling due to material element expansion as it moves towards the region of decreasing pressure. As originally inferred empirically, it is now shown theoretically that stream wise vortices within supersonic flow fields and high Rossby number atmospheric vortices such as tornadoes and waterspouts, display the classical heating/cooling effect. The new information is used to elaborate on several, yet inexplicable instrument recordings related to these natural phenomena. Finally the new results are used to justify some odd physiological encounters made by several witnesses, trapped inside overpassing tornado’s funnels, and lived to tell their unusual experiences. The new basic methodology and findings can now be used to improve the design of vortex tubes. Keywords: Vortex model, compressible vortices, turbulent vortices, temperature separation.