Digital publishing is still in its infancy, but it is useful to relate what might be called the prologue to the history of digital publishing in French in Quebec. This article presents the actors who have contributed, and continue to contribute, to the transition from print to digital culture in Quebec. It offers a panoramic view of this transition in the various publishing genres from newspapers and magazines, to journals, books, theses, dictionaries, bibliographical databases, and legal texts. A typology of the actors working in these different genres emerges, comprising publisher, aggregator (general or specialist), distributor, production technician, retailer, and librarian. The builders of Quebec’s digital publishing milieu are acknowledged through brief descriptions of their projects and enterprises. Many of them have displayed a notable capacity to engage in the development of new models for the production and diffusion of culture and research. The quality of their products, services, and expertise has been recognized several times over through international partnerships and co-operative ventures.