The purpose of this dissertation is fourfold: a) to synthesize and analyze literature defining current approaches to science education, its epistemic pedagogical systems (Nature of Science; inquiry, discovery and integrated learning) and to propose a pedagogical lens to focus their instruction; b) to situate the nature and role of science education within the greater realm of educational endeavour and to propose a structure for the development of community views of science through guided collective reflection and introspection; c) to present and critique a system of science conception known as ‘Community Views of Science’ (CVOS) from a pedagogical, epistemological and empirical standpoint; and d) to empirically and theoretically dissect and interpret each interconnected constituent element of CVOS. To expand upon ‘d)’, a qualitative exploration and analysis of cooperative and individual concept mapping activities with undergraduate pre-service elementary learners (N=55) from Concordia University’s Department of Education will demonstrate that self- actualization of collective views of science can possibly be fostered by instructional strategies embedded in an instructional system designed for the actualization of epistemic belief systems. This exploratory study of pre-service educators will address the following objectives. First, explore and analyze interpretations of concept maps and concept mapping, as well as the affect of concept mapping analysis on epistemic realization and self-actualization. Second, explore, analyze and test the affect of cooperative concept mapping on epistemic realization, self-actualization and the development of a ‘Community View of Science’. Third, elaborate upon the use of cooperative concept mapping within pre-service elementary science educator classrooms to reflect the methods, processes, approaches, purposes, structures and systems of science as related to science education. Fourth, reflect on and discuss the nature of philosophical and empirical inquiry while ‘breaking methodological boundaries’ as defined by traditional qualitative research. With tenets from the ‘Nature of Science’ as the eventual goal of ‘Community Views of Science’, results of this exploratory study pinpoint potential uses for and associated outcomes of cooperative concept mapping as a culminating task for the development of epistemic malleability within pre-service elementary science educators (the inherent ability to begin questioning personal views of science so as to develop a healthy scepticism for and criticality towards science as a solution).