Since Independence, Morocco has implemented a number of policies geared towards the improvement of its educational system. The existence of socio-economic and cultural constraints does impede the full access of females to education, and to society as a whole. The right to education for every individual has been endorsed as a human right, which is essential to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the Education for All (EFA) within most national and international development strategies that should be available to all by 2015. It is assumed that education is a way of measuring the degree of development of a country in the current international discourse. It is unfortunate to say that with all policies that have been implemented by the Moroccan government in the last six decades have not generated the desired outcomes, and have faltered for each initiative targeted at reforming the educational system. The vision to meet the eight MDGs goals by 2015 is unattainable and has a long way to go in reaching the targets, mainly the ones related to gender. Even though substantial improvements have been noted, the various policies implemented by Morocco, alongside with international policies have not been capable of moving the country to an aspired-for level of development.