This thesis investigates three topics in theoretical and applied econometrics: two sample nonparametric estimation of intergenerational income mobility, sparse sieve maximum likelihood estimation, and asymptotic efficiency of Improved QMLE and Sieve MLE. The first essay proposes a two sample nonparametric GMM estimator, which extends the local linear GMM estimator to two sample settings, and applies it to estimate the intergnerational income mobility in the U.S and Sweden. The second essay proposes an estimator that uses the Dantzig Selector to improve the finite sample performance of Sieve MLE in a panel data setting. We show that in simulations the sparsity imposed by the Dantzig Selector is innocuous with respect to the sieve MLE, and substantially improves its computational efficiency. The third essay compares an optimal GMM estimator, known as Improved QMLE, with sieve MLE in a panel data setting. We derive a condition when these two estimators are equally efficient asymptotically and provide simulation results to illustrate the extent of efficiency loss.