This study conceptualizes collective drawing as a form of play in early childhood that provides opportunities for social and creative growth through peer interactions. Research has suggested that as children draw together, they develop narratives and stimulate each other’s imagination (Coates & Coates, 2006; Papandreou, 2014). However, no studies have specifically explored play within open-ended group drawing with the aim of identifying processes for shared meaning-making and shared creative development. The present study investigated instances of group play that occurred within young children’s open-ended drawing activities and how this encouraged the development of shared meaning and shared creativity. One preschool class of 16 four- to five-year-old children was observed over eight 1-hour free play sessions. During each session, the children were presented with a variety of drawing materials and large drawing surfaces. No restrictions were placed on the number of children that could participate, or the subject matter of the drawings. The overall findings of this study add to the literature on shared meaning and children’s play through drawing, and support the integration of open-ended drawing activities in early childhood environments. The children employed various strategies to create and maintain a shared understanding while drawing, and developed creativity through peer learning and observation. Materials were noted as a possible motivating factor for encouraging group play.