A constant dilemma is battling within humans: acknowledging their animality or refuting it in the name of humanity. By refusing to acknowledge the bond we share with nature, we are alienating ourselves from an essential part of our identity. Reconnecting with our animal-self through a therapy process has emerged as a healing technique (Myers, 1998). The purpose of this paper is to answer the following question: How might animal symbols be helpful with children in art therapy? This research question will be investigated by linking theories about the human and animal relationship. Children’s natural attraction to animals will be further explored. Looking at therapeutic benefits of the use of animal symbols in therapy, animal totem, shamanism, and the theories of Freud, Jung and Winnicott will be explained. Then, the research will focus on art therapy interventions. Finally, a hypothesis for an intervention for children 5 to 8 years old with psychiatric difficulties, who have issues with self-esteem, problem-solving, coping and transitional difficulties, impulse control and relationships will be presented.