Tammy Worthington Diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer can cause long term distress, effecting women both physically and psychologically. Changes to the body can impact a person’s perceived body image leading to impaired quality of life (QoL), decreased self-esteem and to feelings of anger and loss. Art therapy and art making have been shown to enhance emotional awareness and expression while also providing opportunities for social interaction and support. The aim of this research paper is to design a ten week group art therapy program helping women post treatment with breast cancer confront issues related to body image and self-identity, using clay as a therapeutic intervention. In the program being designed, sessions will be provided for outpatient women within a hospital setting on a weekly basis, for one and a half hours and are intended for a group of six to ten individuals, six months post treatment prior to the start of the intervention. The focus will be on the first three phases of an intervention model and include the general framework, goals for each session, session content, and directives. Research shows that body image concerns are associated with poor self-esteem, social anxiety, self-consciousness, and depressive symptoms. By proposing this unique clinical intervention program, my goal is to encourage art expression in a safe group environment using clay as a means through which individuals can strengthen their coping resources while increasing their self-confidence.