In this thesis, we address the issue of model-based verification and validation of systems engineering design models expressed using UML/SysML. The main objectives are to assess the design from its structural and behavioral perspectives and to enable a qualitative as well as a quantitative appraisal of its conformance with respect to its requirements and a set of desired properties. To this end, we elaborate a heretofore unattempted unified approach composed of three well-established techniques that are model-checking, static analysis, and software engineering metrics. These techniques are synergistically combined so that they yield a comprehensive and enhanced assessment. Furthermore, we propose to extend this approach with performance analysis and probabilistic assessment of SysML activity diagrams. Thus, we devise an algorithm that systematically maps these diagrams into their corresponding probabilistic models encoded using the specification language of the probabilistic symbolic model-checker PRISM. Moreover, we define a first of its kind probabilistic calculus, namely activity calculus, dedicated to capture the essence of SysML activity diagrams and its underlying operational semantics in terms of Markov decision processes. Furthermore, we propose a formal syntax and operational semantics for the input language of PRISM. Finally, we mathematically prove the soundness of our translation algorithm with respect to the devised operational semantics using a simulation preorder defined upon Markov decision processes.