Using a historical-documentary approach, this paper will investigate literature within the fields of art therapy and queer related studies in order to draw attention to the particular mental health needs of members of the queer community and the ways in which art therapy is particularly suited to address these needs. This review of literature has demonstrated the need for specialized mental health care that is able to accommodate and support clients who identify as queer. The internalization of homophobia/transphobia as well as engendered social roles has meant that those who do not identify or order themselves in these normative ways may experience struggles in developing a positive sense of self; these individuals may therefore benefit from forms of therapy geared towards not only support but validating and appreciating their differences. The objective of this paper is to highlight for art therapists the ways in which art therapy has the potential to fill this void for clients who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Transsexual, Queer, Questioning, and Two-Spirited (LGBTTQQ2S), and to challenge art therapists to continue to look for ways to expand the field as well as their own practices to better include appropriate services for members of the queer community.