This thesis is comprised of three essays on corporate governance issues. The first essay focuses on how board members’ geographical diversity relates to financial reporting quality. In principle, it is often argued that diversity has a positive impact on a group’s decision-making and monitoring abilities. In governance matters, while the attention has recently been placed on gender diversity, diversity is in fact multi-dimensional and encompasses attributes such as gender but also experience, expertise, independence and origins. The results show that a local board is more successful in monitoring financial reporting quality. The first essay provides evidence that although regulators are encouraging the diversity of boards of directors in all aspects, they may not be aware that each dimension of diversity may have a different impact on the performance of directors. The second essay ponders how the presence of foreign directors on audit committees affects their effectiveness. The rules-based approach of Canadian regulators with respect to audit committee membership has caused many Canadian firms to nominate foreign directors on their audit committees, especially from the U.S. The second essay provides evidence that the nomination of foreign directors to a monitoring committee, mainly due to the requirements regarding audit committee membership, may have reverse outcomes on the quality of financial reporting, even though these directors may share many similarities with directors from the country in which they are sitting on a board and to which they are geographically close. The last essay looks at the effects of the adoption of a new set of accounting standards within a single national context, Canada, with different legal regimes (common law outside Quebec, code law within Quebec). The third essay offers evidence that the introduction of a new set of accounting standards may even result in a different level of financial reporting quality between firms, dependent on firm- and country- level governance mechanisms. Key words, Board of Directors, Geographical Diversity, Earnings Quality, Audit Committee, Foreign Directors, IFRS, Firm- level governance mechanisms, Country – Level Governance Mechanisms