Functional studies of yeast mutants reveal mechanisms for TRAPP-complex integrity Stephanie Brunet, PhD Concordia University, 2015 Proteins and lipids are packaged into membrane bound vesicles and transported throughout the cell in a highly regulated process called membrane trafficking. Several categories of proteins including tethering factors, cooperate to ensure fidelity in this process that function as a physical a link between a vesicle and the correct target membrane. The transport protein particle (TRAPP) complex is a multisubunit tethering complex that has been well characterized in yeast and is highly conserved in mammals. In yeast, three isoforms of the complex (TRAPPI, TRAPPII and TRAPPIII) have been described each acting in different membrane trafficking pathways. My research has focused on studying yeast TRAPP mutants to understand how specific subunits contribute to TRAPPcomplex integrity and how each complex regulates distinct membrane trafficking pathways. Several mutations in the human TRAPPC2 gene including a missense mutation of a highly‐conserved aspartic acid residue (TRAPPC2D47Y), are linked to the skeletal disorder spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda (SEDT), Chapter 2 discusses how the analogous mutation in the yeast homologue, TRS20, destabilizes the TRAPPIII complex and disrupts TRAPPIII‐regulated membrane trafficking pathways, providing insight into the etiology of SEDT. Chapter 3 of this thesis describes a mutational study that I conducted on the essential yeast TRAPP subunit, Trs23p. When a non‐essential Saccharomycotina‐specific (SMS) domain within this protein is deleted, TRAPPI, the smallest of the complexes, is destabilized however processes regulated by TRAPPI are not compromised. TRAPPII and TRAPPIII contain all the subunits of the smaller TRAPPI complex and I propose that TRAPPI is a fragment or assembly intermediate of the larger complexes. Finally, in Chapter 4 I present evidence for a direct interaction between the TRAPPII complex and Gyp6p, a GTPase accelerating protein (GAP) for the small Rab GTPase Ypt6p. In mutants that destabilize the TRAPPII complex this interaction is disrupted and Ypt6p localization to the late Golgi compartment is increased relative to wild type. Together these results indicate that the interaction between TRAPPII and Gyp6p is important for regulating the dynamic distribution of Ypt6p within the cell.