The purpose of this thesis is to develop cooperative recovery control schemes for a team of heterogeneous autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV). The objective is to have the network of autonomous underwater vehicles follow a desired trajectory while agents maintain a desired formation. It is assumed that the model parameters associated with each vehicle is different although the order of the vehicles are the same. Three cooperative control schemes based on dynamic surface control (DSC) technique are developed. First, a DSC-based centralized scheme is presented in which there is a central controller that has access to information of all agents at the same time and designs the optimal solution for this cooperative problem. This scheme is used as a benchmark to evaluate the performance of other schemes developed in this thesis. Second, a DSC-based decentralized scheme is presented in which each agent designs its controller based on only its information and the information of its desired trajectory. In this scheme, there is no information exchange among the agents in the team. This scheme is also developed for the purpose of comparative studies. Third, two different semi-decentralized or distributed schemes for the network of heterogeneous autonomous underwater vehicles are proposed. These schemes are a synthesis of a consensus-based algorithm and the dynamic surface control technique with the difference that in one of them the desired trajectories of agents are used in the consensus algorithm while in the other the actual states of the agents are used. In the former scheme, the agents communicate their desired relative distances with the agents within their set of nearest neighbors and each agent determines its own control trajectory. In this semi-decentralized scheme, the velocity measurements of the virtual leader and all the followers are not required to reach the consensus formation. However, in the latter, agents communicate their relative distances and velocities with the agents within their set of nearest neighbors. In both semi-decentralized schemes only a subset of agents has access to information of a virtual leader. The comparative studies between these two semi-decentralized schemes are provided which show the superiority of the former semi-decentralized scheme over latter. Furthermore, to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed DSC-based semi-decentralized scheme with consensus algorithm using desired trajectories, a comparative study is performed between this scheme and three cooperative schemes of model-dependent coordinated tracking algorithm, namely the centralized, decentralized, and semi-decentralized schemes. Given that the dynamics of autonomous underwater vehicles are inevitably subjected to system faults, and in particular the actuator faults, to improve the performance of the network of agents, active fault-tolerant control strategies corresponding to the three developed schemes are also designed to recover the team from the loss-of-effectiveness in the actuators and to ensure that the closed-loop signals remain bounded and the team of heterogeneous autonomous underwater vehicles satisfy the overall design specifications and requirements. The results of this research can potentially be used in various marine applications such as underwater oil and gas pipeline inspection and repairing, monitoring oil and gas pipelines, detecting and preventing any oil and gas leakages. However, the applications of the proposed cooperative control and its fault-tolerant scheme are not limited to underwater formation path-tracking and can be applied to any other multi-vehicle systems that are characterized by Euler–Lagrange equations.