The recent introduction of supply chain systems has redefined the way organizations perceive collaboration. Although characterized as a human driven process by which people communicate, share knowledge, and cooperate internally; collaboration also extends outside the organization and across the supply chain by interacting with both suppliers and customers. While human driven collaboration is fundamental in operating certain business processes, they are usually depicted in models such as high-level abstracts or implicitly integrated in exception related mechanisms. This creates the need for an ontology capable of representing human-driven collaboration. The Agent Lab Language (TALL) ontology was selected as a possible solution to the research problem given its emphasis on agent/ business collaborations. A Bunge-Wand-Weber ontological representation analysis was further used to evaluate the ontological completeness of the Agent Language Lab (TALL). From this analysis, a set of propositions were elaborated in accordance with human-driven collaboration requirements. Following these propositions and the results of the analysis, additional constructs were proposed to the TALL ontology as a solution to the research problem.