The data contains has three components: Data reference document that explains the Internet measurement methodology, the sampling procedure and the Internet performance metrics such as upload throughput, download throughput and round-trip-time. Itemized data of each NDT test run in Canada for 2014 submitted as four CSV files of upload performance for 2014 from January to July, upload performance for 2014 from August to December, download performance for 2014 from January to July and download performance for 2014 from August to December. Aggregated data of average upload and download performance metrics. Data aggregates itemized data using the Industry Canada hexagon and the Statistics Canada Dissemination Area geographic information systems. Aggregated data is submitted as four CSV files of 2014 upload performance per hexagon, 2014 download performance per hexagon, 2014 upload performance per dissemination area, 2014 download performance per dissemination area. Map files linking itemized data to Industry Canada hexagon and the Statistics Canada Dissemination Areas geographic information systems. Map files are accessible in QGIS, a cross-platform, free-software geographic information system application. All Measurement Lab data is in the public domain. Dissemination blocks have been adapted from Statistics Canada, Census Boundary Files (Dissemination Blocks and Dissemination Areas), 2011. This does not constitute an endorsement by Statistics Canada of this product. Hexagons by Industry Canada were released as part of the Connecting Canadians program.