Hi Mary, I sent you the word file via my Hotmail account (saadi_d@hotmail.com). This is my final thesis that was defended on October 2010. All the requested corrections (very minor editorial changes) by the committee are incorporated in this final version. As you explained, it seems that during the transition to Spectrum my thesis was left out and was never added to the online catalogue. Please upload the thesis to Spectrum on my behalf as I no longer have access to this online service. Thanks for your time and help, Regards, ------------------------------------------------ Saadi Daftari, M.Sc. Control Systems Analyst International trade Compliance Pratt & Whitney Canada Corp., 1000 Marie-Victorin (01MC4) Longueuil, Québec, Canada, J4G 1A1 tel: 1-450-677-9411 ext 7-3441