This research intends to investigate L3 vocabulary acquisition by focusing on the correlation between vocabulary learning strategies (VLS) and vocabulary size (VS) in two groups, namely: Simultaneous Bilinguals (SB) and Consecutive Bilinguals (CB), and specifically explore the potential differences between these them in the process of learning Spanish as an third language (L3). The data was collected from 24 French-English/English-French participants, 12 SB and 12 CB, all learners of Spanish as an L3. SB had learned their 2L1 from birth and CB had begun learning their L2 after the age of 4 in a formal context. In order to learn about their linguistic history and the context in which they learned their languages, they were asked to complete a linguistic background questionnaire; a Yes/No test was administered to measure vocabulary size; a Think Aloud test was used to investigate the number and type of strategies adopted; and finally, participants completed a vocabulary-learning strategies survey. To explore the potential correlations between VS and VLS and the differences between SB and CB, a series of correlations and t-tests were run. Analysis of the data reveals that results are not statistically significant, suggesting that there is no significant correlation between VS and the number of VLS use reported by participants nor between VS and the type of VLS elected. Finally, there was not a significant difference between the average scores of the two groups in relation to VS and VLS. This lack of significant correlation and absence of significant differences between the groups suggest these two groups of bilinguals, SB and CB, could be more alike than different with regards to VLS use and its relation to L3 vocabulary size. Nevertheless, the repertory of strategies reported by the participants is a valuable source of first-hand information to be taken into account by teachers in their pedagogical planning as well as for researchers of L3 acquisition. The acquisition of L3 vocabulary remains a very promising field with much to explore in our wired Global Village.