The goal of this research was to develop a mobile music application for L2 learners of French. Music is able to offer language learners a wealth of benefits such as repetitive exposure to the L2 in an enjoyable way; yet tools that aid learners with music are sparse (Engh, 2013). This research adopts current SLA theory and principles set forth by Doughty and Long (2003) to guide the development of a tool in the form of a web-based music application, Bande à Part. Some of these principles suggest that technology can help learners through textual enhancements (e.g., gender highlighting, subtitles and translations) and grading content for proficiency level. For the evaluation of Bande à Part, the study adopted Doughty and Long’s (2003) principles for developing L2 learning in a CALL environment as well as Nation’s (2007) four strands for designing a balanced language curriculum for L2 education. Lastly, some of the future directions for the application and its limitations are highlighted and discussed.