This research studies the role of Perceived Word-of-Mouth Source Credibility and Brand Involvement in the process of online negative Word-of-Mouth spreading, and this research also examines the behavioral and non-behavioral outcomes of online negative Word-of-Mouth. This research also looks at the process of online negative Word-of-Mouth spreading. This article uses two-way ANOVAs to examine the interaction effects of Perceived Word-of-Mouth Source Credibility and Brand Involvement on the Perceived Usefulness of negative Word-of-Mouth, and uses the Baron and Kenny’s method to test the mediation effect of Perceived Usefulness of negative Word-of-Mouth on the relationship of Perceived WOM Credibility and Brand Involvement’s interaction effect with behavioral and non-behavioral outcomes. This research has economic significance and can help brand managers evaluate the Processes and Outcomes of the Online Negative Word-of-Mouth and the importance of Perceived Word-of-Mouth Source Credibility and Brand Involvement.