Domain Name System (DNS) has become an important element of recent cybercrime infrastructures. Indeed, DNS protocol is being used, for instance, to operate infected machines and transport malicious payloads. In this context, it is of paramount importance to analyze passive DNS streams in order to generate timely and relevant cyber threat intelligence that can be used to detect, prevent and attribute cyber attacks. In this thesis, we explore the analysis of the aforementioned streams in order to detect DNS anomalies that correspond to cyber incidents. By DNS anomaly, we mean any deviation from what is expected in terms of regular DNS activities (queries/responses). The identification of these anomalies leads to precious intelligence that could pinpoint domains that are involved in malicious activities (e.g., spamming, botnets, phishing, DDoS, etc.). We propose, design and implement a system that analyzes, in near-real-time, passive DNS streams and generates cyber threat intelligence in terms of: suspicious domains, DNS record abuse and passive DNS anomalies. We correlate the generated intelligence with other sources of intelligence such as our malware database. We dedicate a special care to the scalability of the proposed system. In addition to picking appropriate data structures and database technologies, we proceed with the distribution of the analysis over a cluster of computers using the so-called map/reduce paradigm with the Apache Spark framework. Our experiments show that our system is efficient and scalable while generating important, relevant and timely cyber threat intelligence.