The numbers of cancer survivors has been increasing due to the aging society and growth of the population and improvements of medical technologies; hence, there is a greater need to understand and assist individuals who have completed their primary cancer treatment with their psychosocial issues. However, there is a significant gap in social science research in terms of interventions aimed at supporting posttreatment cancer patients. Specifically, in the field of art therapy, there has been limited research on this particular population. Therefore, this research study aims to incorporate the idea of creating a specific collaborative artwork, a mosaic, in a group environment at the chosen setting, community art studios, in order to aid posttreatment cancer patients. The goal of this art therapy intervention study is to address the research question: “How can mosaic artwork be used in a community art studio to assist posttreatment cancer patients to reconnect with their lives?” This major research paper is focused on addressing two psychosocial issues, self-identity and social isolation among individuals who have suffered from cancer, and explores the potential uses of narrative approaches and imagery. Further, this research assesses art therapy and cancer care in relation to reconstructing identity and reducing social isolation while examining the beneficial aspects of group therapy as well as social support and community art studios. The meaning of collective mosaic art making with symbols and metaphors, and the therapeutic qualities of the art medium of clay are also reviewed. In the group intervention program design, 10-weekly sessions are developed to be offered in a community art studio setting to adult posttreatment cancer patients for 1-1/2 hours and intended for a group of six to eight participants. By utilizing this proposed art therapy group intervention program, the author aims to assist more cancer survivors in increasing their levels of psychosocial well-being while improving their community life and overall health.