The study expanded the sexual vs non-sexual categorization of clothing ads by adopting a three-category measure: non-sexual, suggestive, and provocative imagery. Results indicate that non-sexual advertisements were ranked most appealing. Data were gathered in three stages using a pre-survey, a focus group discussion, and a post-survey. A convenience sample was used to recruit 30 participants comprising 11 men and 19 women; they were recruited from Concordia University to participate in one of four group interviews. Pre- and post-survey results indicate the lower the degree of sexual explicitness, the greater the perceived appeal. In terms of gender differences, women are more likely than men to rank non-sexual advertisements as appealing. In contrast, men are more likely to rank provocative advertisements as appealing. Nonetheless, the data show a tendency of both men and women forming an agreement around their perceptions of non-sexual advertisements. The data also show a higher tendency of women forming an agreement around their perceptions of suggestive advertisements. Lastly, the data show a higher tendency of men forming an agreement around their perceptions of provocative advertisements. Thus, the focus group discussion impacted participants’ tendency to form an agreement around their perceptions of advertisements and alter their responses in the post-survey.