In this theoretical research paper, we explore how art therapy may inform life scripts analysis in Transactional Analysis (TA) through a prism of the modern trauma recovery model developed by Judith Herman (1992, 1997). Based on analysis and synthesis of existing literature, we suggest an integrative model for the work with adults who have experienced trauma, sensitive to the specifics of the severe consequences of complex trauma. This theoretical study has the goal of filling the gaps in the TA theory and practice of life scripts though combining TA and art therapy within a modern trauma recovery model. Moreover, we suggest that incorporating the creative process phases within the stages of trauma recovery could enlighten the therapeutic process. Each stage of recovery is described from the positions of Herman, TA, creative process and art therapy, and provided with examples of art therapy interventions. Finally, we discuss limitations of this study and propose implications of the suggested integrative model in future research. Keywords: art therapy, complex trauma, creative process, life scripts, transactional analysis, trauma recovery.