Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. Aristotle The field of education tends to separate early childhood education from adult education as if experience in one has little to do with the other. Indeed, much of a child’s early life is a journey of self-discovery that centers on creative, even imaginative, problem solving and self-actualization, qualities that ultimately are fundamental to the life of an engaged and purposeful citizen in our democratic society. As a reflection of this reality, this study will review the philosophy of Frederic Froebel, a German educational philosopher and practitioner through the case study of The Froebel School and Kindergarten. The purpose of this study is to identify characteristics of the Froebel philosophy that can motivate and empower young people towards self-determination, a personal desire to reach their best potential. The case study used current and past teacher, parent and past student interviews that highlighted recurrent themes of co-construction, self- activity, and reflection. The narrative of Dr. Barbara Corbett, a Froebel practitioner for sixty years and the Director of The Froebel School and Kindergarten supported the case study.