This research paper looks at various perspectives on the application of relational models in art therapy, through a theoretical literature review including attachment theory, object relations, and systems models. The role of the secure base (Bowlby, 1969), attunement (Stern, 1995), mentalization (Fonagy, 1997), and symbolic play (Klein, 1927; Meins et al., 1997) will be explored in their potential to enhance relationships. This inquiry is framed by the question: How can a critical analysis and integration of attachment theory and object relations theory inform a clinical understanding of attunement within dyadic and family art therapy? These theoretical frameworks will be compared to inform an integrated approach to relational art therapy, which may be used to facilitate parent-child attunement, and engage the capacity for symbolization as a tool for working through relational issues. The role of attunement through self-expression, witnessing and response that occur within the art therapeutic relationship (Malchiodi, 2011), as well as the role of the materials and their symbolic potential (Proulx, 2004) are considered. Looking at attachment through various cultural lenses, models are applied as a proposed support for art therapists addressing relational issues within transcultural contexts.