Today, we are living in an urban world. For the first time in history, there are now more people living in cities than in rural areas. In Europe their share has reached almost three quarters. Urban areas supposedly will absorb almost all the population growth expected over the next decades. This will pose a range of challenges for cities and their surroundings, not only on resource availability and the quality of urban environments, but also on biodiversity in cities. Capturing the status and trends of biodiversity and ecosystem services in urban landscapes represents an important part of understanding whether a metropolitan area is developing along a sustainable trajectory or not. Actions to conserve biodiversity should start with stock-taking and identifying baselines, followed by regular monitoring of conservation initiatives. The City Biodiversity Index (CBI), also known as the Singapore Index on Cities‘ Biodiversity (or Singapore Index) because of Singapore‘s leadership in its development, has been adopted during COP-9 of the CBD in 2008. It is conceived as a self-assessment tool to evaluate the state of biodiversity in cities and to provide insights for improving conservation efforts. This includes an initial baseline measurement, the identification of policy priorities based on their measurements and then a monitoring at periodic intervals. Today, the CBI includes 23 indicators from three categories such as the proportion of natural areas in the city or the budget allocated to conservation projects. The CBI is designed to be applied by many cities in the world to monitor their progress in conservation efforts and their success in halting the rate of biodiversity loss. The project provides support to 4 of the 23 indicators. The results illustrated below are based on satellite earth observation data combined with local in-situ information. The output of the data analysis (i.e. percentage or an area value) can be directly used to determine the relevant CBI score.