Yielding shear panel device (YSPD) is a metal yielding passive energy dissipation device that utilizes the inelastic shear deformation capability of a steel plate. The device is made of a steel plate welded inside a square hollow section (SHS) to absorb seismic energy. It showed stable hysteresis response in the previous experiments. It is inexpensive and also simple to manufacture and install in a seismic force resisting system. Research on yielding shear panel device is still in the initial stage and a significant amount of research is needed before it can be adopted by the engineering society. The objective of this research is twofold: first, to study the behavior of yielding shear panel as a device and then, to evaluate the performance of lateral load resisting system equipped with YSPD. A nonlinear finite element model which includes both material and geometric nonlinearities is used for this study. The finite element model of the YSPD device is validated by comparing the results from an experimental program. Excellent correlation between the test results and the finite element analysis results is observed. With the validated finite element model, detailed parametric study has been done to study the behavior of the YSPD devices of different configurations. The model is further validated for a frame equipped with YSPD using the results from a mathematical model published in the literature. This study also evaluates the performance of a 4-story building frame equipped with YSPD when the device is used for retrofitting. Seismic design of a 2-story lateral load resisting frame with YSPD has been done by direct displacement based design method. The seismic performance of the designed building has been verified under spectrum compatible seismic records for Vancouver. Nonlinear seismic analysis shows that YSPDs, in a high seismic region, behave in a stable and ductile manner. It has also been observed that the device absorbs the seismic energy and deforms in shear and effectively reduces the deformation of the structure, which confirms the intended design philosophy of YSPD device. An analytical approach has been developed to estimate fundamental period of the frames with YSPD. A series of frames with YSPD devices of different geometry are designed and analysed to estimate the fundamental period. It has been observed that the fundamental period obtained from finite element analysis can be well predicted by the proposed analytical model.