This research aims to further explore and clarify the roles of visual design elements in brand logos and their ability to influence brand gender perceptions. In an improvement on past research, this study clearly delineates the independent effects of type font, colour hue, and colour brightness in brand logos on creating brand femininity and masculinity perceptions. Using a between-subjects design with an online panel of American consumers, the study finds that display fonts, blue hues, and dark brightnesses in brand logos significantly enhance brand masculinity perceptions while script fonts, pink hues, and light brightnesses in brand logos significantly enhance brand femininity perceptions. This research is the first in the brand gender literature to uncover strong main effects for all three of these design elements. Individual-level uncertainty avoidance, Masculine and Feminine Gender Trait Index, and participant-identified sex are also tested as moderators and the main and interaction effects of these participant traits on brand gender perceptions are discussed. The results of this research provide theoretical contributions to brand personality, evolutionary psychology, and sensory marketing literatures. Limitations, future research ideas, and managerial implications conclude the discussion of this research.