Abstract Adult Education theories and studies related to experiential learning ascertain that career related volunteering opportunities during university studies will generate occasions for reflective thought and lead to gains in practice, in real life work situations, and after graduation. The research question on which the exploratory study for this thesis is based is: What are the benefits and competencies university students develop in and attribute to career related volunteering opportunities and do they feel it promotes reflective thinking? Four recent graduate students from a Bachelor Commerce degree program at a university in Montreal who had participated in a career related volunteering opportunity during their studies were the participants. The students were first asked about their satisfaction with the career related volunteering program they followed. They all said that their goals and expectations were met. The participants found that the program structure allowed for creative freedom, fostered confidence, increased accountability, ownership and skills acquisition among the volunteers. The participants recounted that the skills gained, through the career related volunteering opportunities during their studies, did help them in interviewing for jobs and continue to be useful in the performance of their duties in their work mandate. Although all four students wanted to give back through volunteering activities after they started gainful employment, they were not yet engaged in volunteering activities in their present jobs at the time of the interview. Based on the results of this exploratory study, it is recommended that a more systematic follow up study be designed in order to bring specific improvements to the overall career related program offered and that resources be made available for a greater number of students to benefit from such programs.