In this thesis I analyze the distribution of negative markers in sentential negation in Moroccan Arabic . Moroccan Arabic uses two negative markers to denote sentential negation: one in a preverbal position-ma, and another one following the verb-sh. I propose a structure based on the assumption that Moroccan Arabic has two NegPs. The lower NegP hosts ma in its Spec and the higher NegP is the position where sh moves. Moreover, I propose that ma is a clitic that left adjoins to the verb once the verb is in a c-commanding position (following Boˇskovi´c’s 2002 view on clitics). This analysis is successful at accounting for the distribution of negative markers in verbal and verbless sentences, and also at solving the problems exhibited by the previous analyses of bipartite negation (Pollock 1989, Rowlett 1998, Benmamoun 1997, Bell 2004). Furthermore, the same structure also accounts for the syntax of negative sentences containing N-words, under the assumption that sh and N-words cannot co-occur because they compete for the same position, namely the spec of the higher NegP. Finally, to account for the syntax of negative sentences that carry metalinguistic negation, I propose that the negators are in the CP field, rather than within the TP (following Martins’s 2014 view on metalinguistic negation in European Portuguese). This analysis is successful at accounting for the distribution of metalinguistic negators in both verbal and verbless sentences.