A numerical model is developed for simulating a single or multi–story Double Skin Façade integrating Photovoltaics (DSF-PV). The DSF-PV can co-generate solar electricity and heat while it also allows daylight to be transmitted to the interior space. The buoyancy-driven air flow inside the cavity may be assisted by a fan to cool down the photovoltaics while providing natural or hybrid ventilation to adjacent zones. Automated roller shades are also implemented in the model and help regulate heating and cooling loads but also control the daylight levels in the indoor space. A parametric analysis for different control strategies for the airflow within the cavity and the roller shading devices is performed with the purpose to apply the proposed methodology to minimize the heating and cooling demand of the DSF-PV system. In addition, a parametric analysis for different adjacent zones floor areas is performed. The simulations show that a DSF-PV system can supply approximately 120kWh/façade area/year covering the yearly electricity demand of the adjacent office if the floor area is approximately less than 3 times larger than the floor area.