Further Reading: 32. Dastur, Françoise. 2016. Chair et langage : essais sur Merleau-Ponty. Paris: Éditions Les Belles Lettres. 33. Dillon, M. C. 1993. “The Unconscious: Language and World.” In Merleau-Ponty in Contemporary Perspective. Edited by P. Burke and J. Van der Venken, 69-83. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 34. Friskics, Scott. 2001. “Dialogical Relations with Nature.” Environmental Ethics 23, 4: 391-410. 35. Gill, Jerry. 1991. Merleau-Ponty and Metaphor. New Jersey; London: Humanities Press. 36. Johnson, Galen A. 2000. “The Problem of Origins: In the Timber Yard, Under the Sea.” Chiasmi International 2: 249-259. 37. Kaushik, Rajiv. 2013. Art, Language and Figure in Merleau-Ponty: Excursions in Hyper- Dialectic. London: Bloomsbury Publishing. 38. Perri, Trevor. 2013. “Image and Ontology in Merleau-Ponty.” In Continental Philosophy Review 46, 1: 75-97. 39. Schlagel, Richard H. 1962. “Language and Perception.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 23, 2: 192-204. 40. Sellheim, Berndt. 2010. “Metaphor and Flesh — Poetic Necessity in Merleau-Ponty.” Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 41, 3: 261-273. 41. Toadvine, Ted. 2005. “Limits of the Flesh: The Role of Reflection in David Abram’s Ecophenomenology.” Environmental Ethics 27, 2: 155-170 42. Vogel, Steven. 2006. “The Silence of Nature.” Environmental Values 15, 2: 145-171. 43. Wiskus, Jessica. 2013. The Rhythm of Thought: Art, Literature, and Music after Merleau- Ponty. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 44. Zwicky, Jan. 2012. “What is Ineffable?” International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 26, 2: 197-217. 45. ———. 2011 (1992). Lyric Philosophy. Kentville, Nova Scotia: Gaspereau Press. 46. ———. 2008. Wisdom and Metaphor. Kentville, Nova Scotia: Gaspereau Press.