In a country like Canada, where immigration represents the majority of the population growth (Morantz, Rousseau & Heymann, 2011), it can involve several challenges for the immigrants, adults and children. The act of immigrating is a complex process to go through and can result in a large spectrum of consequences for the individuals involved. However, the literature principally analyzed the experiences of adults and adolescents without any specific focus on children’s journeys. Children’s stories are different than the adults and they do perceive their immigration differently. The act of relocating to another society and hence, acculturating can alter children’s development in relevant ways (Encyclopaedia on Early Childhood Development, 2011). This qualitative study aims at exploring the life experiences of four Lebanese immigrant children and their mothers as they experience the process of immigration. Each participant was interviewed two times for a period of 45-60 minutes based on open-ended questions to allow them to narrate in-depth their personal stories and experiences. Additionally, children had the possibility to choose a play activity (e.g., drawing, figurines or blocks) to express themselves beyond their only words. The results from this study suggest that children’s experiences diverge widely from their mothers and they feel and perceive their immigration process in a different way. While constantly missing their family, immigrant children try to negotiate between their native and host environments to find their way towards adaptation, sole indicator of a finally attained sense of belonging.