Attempt to order the main parameters of scientific theory into a coherent taxonomy. To that end, a System Unification Model (SUM) is constructed which serves as a formal frame classifying the salient structures and functions of empirical existence. The terse presentation should give a synopsis of the scope and method of knowledge organization applicable in a global scale. The methodology used is based on a Triadic Interface Paradigm which combines dialectic and syllogic algorithms to arrive at synthetic conclusions of general applications. This holistic perspective situates the static and dynamic contents of matter, energy and information systems in their space-time context. Finally, these dimensions are manipulated by formal operational codes to produce systemic and systematic knowledge. The Model has been used to demonstrate a new Theory of Sociophysics which integrates the basic principles of social and natural sciences into an all-inclusive conceptual framework. Sociophysics assumes the fundamental isomorphism of nature and culture, thereby projecting heuristic metaphors between them. As a result, it contributes in enhancing, understanding and appreciating the global picture of human reality.